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Tan Paper and Copper Silk Love Wall Scroll
Red Paper and Ivory Silk Love Wall Scroll
Orange Paper Love Scroll
Crazy Blue and Gold Silk Love Scroll

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in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “花” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “花” title below...

  1. Flower

  2. Chikara

  3. Flower Open / Blooming Flower

  4. Flowers Fall / The End Comes

  5. Kagetsu

  6. Lotus

  7. Opening / Blooming Flowers

  8. Sparks / Sparkle

  9. Red Flower

10. Azalea

11. Bellflower

12. Dahlia

13. The Geisha’s World

14. Hua Mulan

15. Ichigo No Hana / Strawberry Flower

16. Ikebana

17. Iris Flower

18. Jasmine Flower

19. Magnolia Flower

20. Red Maple Tree

21. Saffron

22. Soul Sisters

23. Star Lotus

24. Cherry Blossom

25. Beauty of Nature

26. Flourish and Blossom Everywhere

27. Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall

28. Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither

29. Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water

30. No Rain No Flowers

31. Orchid Queen

32. Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall

33. In Flowers the Cherry Blossom, In Men the Samurai

34. Love the Flower, Love the Pot also

35. It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

36. Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu

Flower Scroll

花 is the simple way to write “flower” in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean.

It can also mean blossoms or can refer to a fancy or assorted pattern.

Note: In some contexts, it can mean “spend money.” However, as a single character, it will be read as a flower.

This has the meaning of Xochitl (flower) in Spanish, so if your name is Xochitl, I suggest this character to represent your name.

More random information about this character:
花 is the Korean surname spelled as “Hwa” before the Korean Romanization reformation of 2000-2001.
It's also a somewhat common given name in China (for females).
花 is a borrowed word from Chinese, so it sounds similar in Chinese and Korean.

 zhī huā
Chikara Scroll

知花 is the name Chikara in Chinese (Mandarin).

Flower Open / Blooming Flower

 huā kāi
Flower Open / Blooming Flower Scroll

These two characters mean “flower open.”

花開 is also associated with Springtime, the beginning of something, or youth.

花開 is often followed by 花落 or “flower falls” (closes and loses its petals) which means “Things come and go” or “Youth comes and goes.”

If you like flowers and Springtime, this is a great selection for you. However, if you want the companion “flower falls” (flower withers), we offer that as a companion wall scroll or all together as a four-character phrase.

Flowers Fall / The End Comes

 huā sà
Flowers Fall / The End Comes Scroll

花落 means flower fall (closes and loses its petals).

It suggests nearing the end of something. A time that some might call “The sunset of life.” 花落 often follows 花開 or “flower open” to talk of the cycle of life.

We offer this as a possible companion to a “flower open” scroll (to be placed side by side or at either side of a doorway to say “things come and go” - a cool metaphor for a doorway). If placed in a doorway, it could be used to suggest to your guests that things bloom when they arrive through your door but wither when they leave (a great compliment).

Kagetsu Scroll

花月 is a somewhat archaic Japanese word that literally means “flowers and the moon.”

Colloquially, this refers to “refined leisure,” or “an elegant pastime.”

 hé huā
Lotus Scroll

荷花 is one of two ways to write/say “lotus” or “lily” in Chinese.

It will make a nice wall scroll if you are fond of lotus flowers and/or lotuses have a special meaning to you.

Opening / Blooming Flowers

 kāi huā
 kai ka
Opening / Blooming Flowers Scroll

開花 literally means opening flowers (a verb).

開花 is also associated with Springtime, the beginning of something, or youth.

If you like flowers and Springtime, this is a great selection for you.

In Korean Hanja, this can be a metaphor for achieving enlightenment or becoming civilized (blooming civilization).

Sparks / Sparkle

 huǒ huā
Sparks / Sparkle Scroll

火花 is a Chinese and Japanese word that means spark or sparkle.

Literally, these characters mean “fire flower.”

This can also be the Japanese female given name Hibana.

 tan ga
Red Flower Scroll

丹花 means red flower in Japanese.

丹花 is also a Japanese personal name romanized as Tanga.

 dù juān huā
Azalea Scroll

This is the Chinese and Japanese word for Azalea (Rhododendron Simsii Planch or Rhododendron indicum).

Sometimes known as the Indian Asalea.

In Japan, this can also be the given name Tokenka.

 jié gěng huā
 ki kyou bana
Bellflower Scroll

桔梗花 means “Chinese bellflower” in Japanese.

Wikipedia Chinese Bellflower In Chinese, it refersto the “Platycodon grandiflorus” (Platycodon grandiflorum), “balloon flower,” or “bellflower.”

桔梗花 is the three-character version of this title, which suggests that you are talking about the flower and not the medicinal herb derived from this kind of plant.

 dà lì huā
Dahlia Scroll

大麗花 is the name Dahlia in Chinese (Mandarin).

The Geisha’s World

 huā liǔ jiè
The Geisha’s World Scroll

花柳界 literally means “Flower Willow World/Kingdom.”

In Japanese, this means “The Realm of the Geisha” or “World of the Geisha.” I suppose there is a presumption that the Geisha is surrounded by flowers in their residence. In Chinese and Korean, this pretty much has colloquially come to mean “The Red Light District” or to refer to pimps, prostitutes, and johns as a group.

 huā mù lán
Hua Mulan Scroll

花木蘭 is the name of the famous Chinese woman warrior Hua Mulan.

She was made famous in the west by Disney's animated movie, “Mulan.”

Most of the historical information about her comes from an ancient poem. It starts with a concerned Mulan, as she is told a man from each family is to serve conscription in the army. Her father is too old, and her brother is too young. Mulan decides to take the place of her father. After twelve years of war, the army returns, and the best warriors are awarded great posts in the government and riches. Mulan turns down all offers and asks only for a good horse for the long trip home. When Mulan greets visiting comrades wearing her old clothes, they are shocked to find the warrior they rode into battle with for years is actually a woman.

Ichigo No Hana / Strawberry Flower

 ichigo no hana
Ichigo No Hana / Strawberry Flower Scroll

苺の花 is Ichigo No Hana or “Strawberry Flower” in Japanese.

Ikebana Scroll

生け花 is the Japanese term ikebana, meaning living or live flower arrangement.

The literal translation is simply “living flowers.”

 yuān wěi huā
 ichi hatsu hana
Iris Flower Scroll

鳶尾花 is the title for the iris flower in Chinese and Japanese.

If your name happens to be Iris, this is a beautiful way to express your name by meaning in both of these languages (it will mean your name but not sound like your name).

Can also mean wall iris, roof iris, or Iris tectorum.
Note: There are other titles for specific iris varieties - contact us if you need something special.

Jasmine Flower

 mò lì huā
 ma ri ka
Jasmine Flower Scroll

茉莉花 is the title for “Jasmine Flower” in Chinese.

This title is rarely used in Japanese for a specific species known as “Arabian jasmine” (Jasminum sambac).
Japanese will more commonly write ジャスミンの花 (jyasumin no hana).

Magnolia Flower

 mù lán huā
Magnolia Flower Scroll

木蘭花 is the Chinese word for Magnolia Flower.

Red Maple Tree

Red Maple Tree Scroll

花の木 is a Japanese title that means flowering tree.

It usually refers to the Japanese red maple tree (Acer Pycnanthum).

This can also be the Japanese name Hananoki.

 zàng hóng huā
Saffron Scroll

藏紅花 is the Chinese title for saffron (Crocus sativus).

The most valuable herb or spice, by weight, on earth.

Soul Sisters

 jiě mèi huā
Soul Sisters Scroll

This literally means “sister flowers,” but it is really a way to say “soul sisters” like “soul mates.”

 xīng lián huā
Star Lotus Scroll

星蓮花 is the title Star Lotus in Chinese.

For star lotus, some may write 星荷 instead - especially in Taiwan for reasons I am not sure of. 星荷 is sometimes romanized as “sing he” or “sing ho” though it would be “xīng hé” in mainland pinyin romanization. If you need a particular version or more info, please get in touch with me.

Cherry Blossom

 yīng huā
Cherry Blossom Scroll

櫻花 is how to write “cherry blossom” in Chinese and traditional Japanese Kanji.

The first character means “cherry” or sometimes “cherry tree.”
The second character means “flowers” or “blossoms.”

Oddly, my Chinese dictionary also defines these two characters as “Japanese oriental cherry tree” or “Oriental cherry blossom.” However, the first character is the only one that means “cherry,” so it can refer to any cherry blossoms in the whole world (not just those in Asia).

桜There is an alternate version of the first character, which has become the standard for Japanese Kanji. If you want this version, instead of the one shown to the upper left, please click on the Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Although this is an alternate form in Chinese, most Chinese people will think this is just the Japanese version (Chinese people don’t necessarily know the history and all alternate forms of Chinese characters from the past). Therefore, this version shown to the right is best if your audience is Japanese (though most Japanese will recognize the form shown in the upper left).

Beauty of Nature


 ka chou fuu getsu
Beauty of Nature Scroll

花鳥風月 is the Japanese Kanji proverb for “Beauties of Nature.”

The dictionary definition is “the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics.”

The Kanji each represents an element of nature that constitutes beauty in traditional Japanese art and culture.

The Kanji breakdown:
花 = ka = flower (also pronounced “hana”)
鳥 = chou = bird (also pronounced “tori”).
風 = fuu = wind (also pronounced “kaze”).
月 = getsu = moon (also pronounced “tsuki”)

Flourish and Blossom Everywhere

 biàn dì kāi huā
Flourish and Blossom Everywhere Scroll

遍地開花 is a Chinese proverb that means “to blossom everywhere,” “to spring up all over the place,” or “to flourish on a large scale.”

遍地 = everywhere
開花 = opening flowers

Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall

 huā kāi huā luò
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall Scroll

花開花落 is a complete proverb that lightly speaks of the cycle of life, or how things come and go in life.

This is used as a metaphor to suggest that youth is a temporary state that in time will pass.

This can also be used to suggest that fortunes can come and go (everything is temporary).

Note: There are two very similar versions of this proverb. The other uses a word that means wither instead of fall.

Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither

 huā kāi huā xiè
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither Scroll

花開花謝 is a complete proverb that lightly speaks of the cycle of life, or how things come and go in life.

This is used as a metaphor to suggest that youth is a temporary state, which in time, will pass.

This proverb can be used to suggest that fortunes can come and go (everything is temporary).

Note: There are two very similar versions of this proverb. The other uses a word that means fall instead of wither.

Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water

 jìng huā shuǐ yuè
 kyou ka sui getsu
Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water Scroll

鏡花水月 is an old Asian proverb that means “flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake” or “flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface.”

Literally, 鏡花水月 reads “Mirror Flower, Water Moon.”

Figuratively this can be used to represent a lot of different ideas. It can be used to express an unrealistic rosy view or viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles. So you can use it to relay an idea about something that is visible but has no substance, something that can be seen but not touched, or something beautiful but unattainable such as dreams or a mirage.

This expression is used to describe things like the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words.

鏡 = Mirror (or lens)
花 = Flower(s)
水 = Water
月 = Moon

Can also be written 水月鏡花 (just a slight change in word/character order).

No Rain No Flowers

 wú yù wú huā
No Rain No Flowers Scroll

無雨無花 means “No Rain, No Flowers” in Chinese.

Orchid Queen

 lán huā nǚ wáng
Orchid Queen Scroll

蘭花女王 is the long, clear, or verbose version of “Orchid Queen” in Chinese.

Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall

 hana wa sa ki hana wa chi ru
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall Scroll

花は咲き花は散る is a Japanese proverb about the cycle of life, or how things come and go in life.

This can be used to suggest that youth, fortune, and life can come and go (everything is temporary).

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

In Flowers the Cherry Blossom, In Men the Samurai

 hana wa sakuragi hito wa bushi
In Flowers the Cherry Blossom, In Men the Samurai Scroll

This Japanese proverb simply reads, “[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors.”

花は櫻木人は武士 is meant to say that of all the flowers in the world, the cherry blossom is the best. And of all men in the world, the Samurai or Warrior is the best

This proverb has been around for a long time. It's believed to have been composed sometime before the Edo Period in Japan (which started in 1603).

Some will drop one syllable and pronounce this, “hana wa sakura hito wa bushi.” That's “sakura” instead of “sakuragi,” which is like saying “cherry blossom” instead of “cherry tree.”

The third character was traditionally written as 櫻. But in modern Japan, that became 桜. You may still see 櫻 used from time to time on older pieces of calligraphy. We can do either one, so just make a special request if you want 櫻.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Love the Flower, Love the Pot also

Love Me, Love My Dog

 ài huā lián pén ài ài nǚ téng nǚ xù
Love the Flower, Love the Pot also Scroll

This proverb, 爱花连盆爱爱女疼女婿, literally translates as “If one loves a flower, [one will] love its pot; [if one really] loves [one's] daughter, [one will also] love [one's] son-in-law.”

Figuratively, is similar to the English proverbs:
Love me, love my dog.
Love for a person extends even to the crows on his roof.

It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

 huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng ài wēng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng
It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war Scroll

花園里的戰士好過戰場上的園丁 is the Chinese for the phrase, “It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

This proverb is purported to come from the following exchange:

A student approaches his samurai master and says,
“Teacher, you instruct me how to fight, yet you preach to me about peace. How do I reconcile the two?”
The samurai responds,
“Because it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu

 yuǎn shàng hán shān shí jìng xiá bái yún shēng chù yǒu rén jiā tíng chē zuò ài fēng lín wǎn shuàng yè hóng yú èr yuè huā
Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu Scroll

This poem was written almost 1200 years ago during the Tang dynasty.

It depicts traveling up a place known as Cold Mountain, where some hearty people have built their homes. The traveler is overwhelmed by the beauty of the turning leaves of the maple forest that surrounds him just as night overtakes the day, and darkness prevails. His heart implores him to stop, and take in all of the beauty around him.

First, before you get to the full translation, I must tell you that Chinese poetry is a lot different than what we have in the west. Chinese words simply don't rhyme in the same way that English or other western languages do. Chinese poetry depends on rhythm and a certain beat of repeated numbers of characters.

I have done my best to translate this poem keeping a certain feel of the original poet. But some of the original beauty of the poem in its original Chinese will be lost in translation.

Far away on Cold Mountain, a stone path leads upwards.
Among white clouds, people's homes reside.
Stopping my carriage I must, as to admire the maple forest at nights fall.
In awe of autumn leaves showing more red than even flowers of early spring.

Hopefully, this poem will remind you to stop, and “take it all in” as you travel through life.
The poet's name is “Du Mu” in Chinese that is: 杜牧.
The title of the poem, “Mountain Travels” is: 山行
You can have the title, poet's name, and even “Tang Dynasty” written as an inscription on your custom wall scroll if you like.

More about the poet:

Dumu lived from 803-852 AD and was a leading Chinese poet during the later part of the Tang dynasty.
He was born in Chang'an, a city in central China and the former capital of the ancient Chinese empire in 221-206 BC. In present-day China, his birthplace is currently known as Xi'an, the home of the Terracotta Soldiers.

He was awarded his Jinshi degree (an exam administered by the emperor's court which leads to becoming an official of the court) at the age of 25 and went on to hold many official positions over the years. However, he never achieved a high rank, apparently because of some disputes between various factions, and his family's criticism of the government. His last post in the court was his appointment to the office of Secretariat Drafter.

During his life, he wrote scores of narrative poems, as well as a commentary on the Art of War and many letters of advice to high officials.

His poems were often very realistic and often depicted everyday life. He wrote poems about everything, from drinking beer in a tavern to weepy poems about lost love.

The thing that strikes you most is the fact even after 1200 years, not much has changed about the beauty of nature, toils, and troubles of love and beer drinking.

Not the results for 花 that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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More info & calligraphy:

flower; blossom; CL:朵[duo3],支[zhi1],束[shu4],把[ba3],盆[pen2],簇[cu4]; fancy pattern; florid; to spend (money, time); (coll.) lecherous; lustful
(1) flower; blossom; bloom; petal; (2) cherry blossom; (3) beauty; (4) blooming (esp. of cherry blossoms); (5) ikebana; (6) (abbreviation) Japanese playing cards; (7) (the) best; (female given name) Ririka
華 puṣpa, a flower, flowers; especially the lotus, and celestial flowers. 座 The lotus throne on which buddhas and bodhisattvas sit.


see styles

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Red Flower
red flower; (personal name) Tanga



see styles
yīng huā
    ying1 hua1
ying hua

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Cherry Blossom
oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom; also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry
(female given name) Sakura


see styles
huǒ huā
    huo3 hua1
huo hua

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Sparks / Sparkle
spark; sparkle
spark; (female given name) Hibana


see styles

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(surname) Tomohana


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

(1) (archaism) flowers and the moon; (2) (archaism) refined leisure; elegant pastime; (surname) Hanatsuki



see styles
huā kāi
    hua1 kai1
hua k`ai
    hua kai

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Flower Open / Blooming Flower
(surname) Hanakai
flower opens


see styles
hé huā
    he2 hua1
ho hua

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see styles
kāi huā
    kai1 hua1
k`ai hua
    kai hua

More info & calligraphy:

Opening / Blooming Flowers
to bloom; to blossom; to flower; (fig.) to burst; to split open; (fig.) to burst with joy; (fig.) to spring up everywhere; to flourish
(n,vs,vi) (1) flowering; blooming; blossoming; coming into bloom; (n,vs,vi) (2) flowering (of a civilization, talent, etc.); blossoming; blooming; bearing fruit (of efforts); (female given name) Haruka



see styles
dà lì huā
    da4 li4 hua1
ta li hua

More info & calligraphy:

dahlia (loanword)



see styles
mù lán huā
    mu4 lan2 hua1
mu lan hua

More info & calligraphy:

Magnolia Flower



see styles
dù juān huā
    du4 juan1 hua1
tu chüan hua

More info & calligraphy:

Indian Azalea (Rhododendron simsii Planch)
(See 五月・さつき・2) satsuki azalea (Rhododendron indicum); (given name) Tokenka


see styles

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flower arrangement


see styles

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Red Maple Tree
(1) flowering tree; (2) Japanese red maple (Acer pycnanthum); (place-name) Hananoki



see styles
huā mù lán
    hua1 mu4 lan2
hua mu lan

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Hua Mulan
Hua Mulan, legendary woman warrior (c. fifth century), Northern dynasties folk hero recorded in Sui and Tang literature


see styles
 karyuukai / karyukai

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The Geisha’s World
red-light district; pleasure quarters; world of the geisha; demimonde


see styles
mò li huā
    mo4 li5 hua1
mo li hua

More info & calligraphy:

Jasmine Flower
Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac); (female given name) Marika



see styles
zàng hóng huā
    zang4 hong2 hua1
tsang hung hua

More info & calligraphy:

saffron (Crocus sativus)



see styles
yuān wěi huā
    yuan1 wei3 hua1
yüan wei hua

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Iris Flower
iris (family Iridaceae)


see styles
 kachoufuugetsu / kachofugetsu

More info & calligraphy:

Beauty of Nature
(1) (yoji) (See 花鳥諷詠) beauties of nature; the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics; (2) artistic pursuits involving nature themes



see styles
biàn dì kāi huā
    bian4 di4 kai1 hua1
pien ti k`ai hua
    pien ti kai hua

More info & calligraphy:

Flourish and Blossom Everywhere
(idiom) to blossom everywhere; to spring up all over the place; to flourish on a large scale



see styles
jìng huā shuǐ yuè
    jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
ching hua shui yüeh
 kyoukasuigetsu / kyokasuigetsu

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Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water
lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake (idiom); fig. an unrealistic rosy view; viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles; also written 水月鏡|水月镜
(yoji) flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface; something that is visible but having no substance; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words


see styles
(expression) (proverb) the best flowers are the cherry blossoms, the best individuals are the samurai; as the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the samurai first among men

see styles
old variant of [hua1]

see styles
variant of [hua1]; flower; blossom; also pr. [wei3]


see styles
(1) one flower; single flower; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) success; prosperity; (female given name) Himika


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(female given name) Nanaka


see styles
(female given name) Maka


see styles
(female given name) Mihana


see styles
(surname) Uehana

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Flowerhanahuā / hua1 / hua
Chikara知花zhī huā / zhi1 hua1 / zhi hua / zhihuachih hua / chihhua
Flower Open
Blooming Flower
huā kāi / hua1 kai1 / hua kai / huakaihua k`ai / huakai / hua kai
Flowers Fall
The End Comes
花落huā sà / hua1 luo4 / hua luo / hualuohua lo / hualo
Lotus荷花hé huā / he2 hua1 / he hua / hehuaho hua / hohua
Blooming Flowers
kai ka / kaikakāi huā / kai1 hua1 / kai hua / kaihuak`ai hua / kaihua / kai hua
火花hibanahuǒ huā / huo3 hua1 / huo hua / huohua
Red Flower丹花tan ga / tanga
tokenkadù juān huā
du4 juan1 hua1
du juan hua
tu chüan hua
Bellflower桔梗花ki kyou bana
ki kyo bana
jié gěng huā
jie2 geng3 hua1
jie geng hua
chieh keng hua
dà lì huā
da4 li4 hua1
da li hua
ta li hua
The Geisha’s World花柳界karyuukai / karyukaihuā liǔ jiè
hua1 liu3 jie4
hua liu jie
hua liu chieh
Hua Mulan花木蘭
huā mù lán
hua1 mu4 lan2
hua mu lan
Ichigo No Hana
Strawberry Flower
苺の花ichigo no hana
Iris Flower鳶尾花
ichi hatsu hana
yuān wěi huā
yuan1 wei3 hua1
yuan wei hua
yüan wei hua
Jasmine Flower茉莉花ma ri ka / marikamò lì huā
mo4 li4 hua1
mo li hua
Magnolia Flower木蘭花
mù lán huā
mu4 lan2 hua1
mu lan hua
Red Maple Tree花の木hananoki
zàng hóng huā
zang4 hong2 hua1
zang hong hua
tsang hung hua
Soul Sisters姊妹花jiě mèi huā
jie3 mei4 hua1
jie mei hua
chieh mei hua
Star Lotus星蓮花
xīng lián huā
xing1 lian2 hua1
xing lian hua
hsing lien hua
Cherry Blossom櫻花
樱花 / 桜花
ouka / okayīng huā / ying1 hua1 / ying hua / yinghua
Beauty of Nature花鳥風月ka chou fuu getsu
ka cho fu getsu
Flourish and Blossom Everywhere遍地開花
biàn dì kāi huā
bian4 di4 kai1 hua1
bian di kai hua
pien ti k`ai hua
pien ti kai hua
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall花開花落
huā kāi huā luò
hua1 kai1 hua1 luo4
hua kai hua luo
hua k`ai hua lo
hua kai hua lo
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither花開花謝
huā kāi huā xiè
hua1 kai1 hua1 xie4
hua kai hua xie
hua k`ai hua hsieh
hua kai hua hsieh
Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water鏡花水月
kyou ka sui getsu
kyo ka sui getsu
jìng huā shuǐ yuè
jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
jing hua shui yue
ching hua shui yüeh
No Rain No Flowers無雨無花
wú yù wú huā
wu2 yu4 wu2 hua1
wu yu wu hua
wu yü wu hua
Orchid Queen蘭花女王
lán huā nǚ wáng
lan2 hua1 nv3 wang2
lan hua nv wang
lan hua nü wang
Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall花は咲き花は散るhana wa sa ki hana wa chi ru
In Flowers the Cherry Blossom, In Men the Samurai花は櫻木人は武士
hana wa sakuragi hito wa bushi
Love the Flower, Love the Pot also愛花連盆愛愛女疼女婿
ài huā lián pén ài ài nǚ téng nǚ xù
ai4 hua1 lian2 pen2 ai4 ai4 nv3 teng2 nv3 xu4
ai hua lian pen ai ai nv teng nv xu
ai hua lien p`en ai ai nü t`eng nü hsü
ai hua lien pen ai ai nü teng nü hsü
It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war花園里的戰士好過戰場上的園丁
huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng ài wēng huā yuán lǐ de zhàn shì hǎo guò zhàn chǎng shàng de yuán dīng
hua1 yuan2 li3 de zhan4 shi4 hao3 guo4 zhan4 chang3 shang4 de yuan2 ding1 hua1 yuan2 li3 de zhan4 shi4 hao3 guo4 zhan4 chang3 shang4 de yuan2 ding1 ai4 weng1 hua1 yuan2 li3 de zhan4 shi4 hao3 guo4 zhan4 chang3 shang4 de yuan2 ding1
hua yuan li de zhan shi hao guo zhan chang shang de yuan ding hua yuan li de zhan shi hao guo zhan chang shang de yuan ding ai weng hua yuan li de zhan shi hao guo zhan chang shang de yuan ding
hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan ch`ang shang te yüan ting hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan ch`ang shang te yüan ting ai weng hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan ch`ang shang te yüan ting
hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan chang shang te yüan ting hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan chang shang te yüan ting ai weng hua yüan li te chan shih hao kuo chan chang shang te yüan ting
Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu遠上寒山石徑斜白雲生處有人家停車坐愛楓林晚霜葉紅於二月花
yuǎn shàng hán shān shí jìng xiá bái yún shēng chù yǒu rén jiā tíng chē zuò ài fēng lín wǎn shuàng yè hóng yú èr yuè huā
yuan3 shang4 han2 shan1 shi2 jing4 xia2 bai2 yun2 sheng1 chu4 you3 ren2 jia1 ting2 che1 zuo4 ai4 feng1 lin2 wan3 shuang4 ye4 hong2 yu2 er4 yue4 hua1
yuan shang han shan shi jing xia bai yun sheng chu you ren jia ting che zuo ai feng lin wan shuang ye hong yu er yue hua
yüan shang han shan shih ching hsia pai yün sheng ch`u yu jen chia t`ing ch`e tso ai feng lin wan shuang yeh hung yü erh yüeh hua
yüan shang han shan shih ching hsia pai yün sheng chu yu jen chia ting che tso ai feng lin wan shuang yeh hung yü erh yüeh hua
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

100 Years of Happy Marriage1st Eyes2 in 127 is Active So is 62 Mf What2 Truths4 Noble Truths40th Birthday5 Horses5 Points of War5 Tenets of Taekwondo50 Years50 Years Old50th Anniversary50th Golden Wedding Anniversary6 Foot60 Sale7 Heavenly Virtues7 Virtues of Bushido7 Virtues Off Bushido9 KoiA Black GirlA Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like OneA Journey of a Thousand MilesA Life of Serenity Yields UnderstandingA Miss is as Good as a MileA Moment of Time is as Precious as GoldA New JourneyA Numan Quami Nsondi KukulangoA RisaA Rising Tide Lifts All BoatsA Simple LifeA Soldier of GodA TaoistA Vast Sky Full of StarsA ViA Warm WelcomeA Wise Man Changes His MindAadenAadhyaAadilAadilahAadonAaftanAaliyahAaliyah SydneyAalyanAalyshaAamaAamirAanandAaniyahAaroAaronAartiAaryanAasaAashirAasiaAbadAbaddAbaddoAbadiAbadieAbakaAbaloneAbaraAbataAbazaAbbaAbbasAbbasiAbbeAbberleyAbbeyAbbiAbbieAbbotAbbottAbbyAbdallahAbdalrahmanAbdelAbdelfettahAbdelhakAbdelilahAbderrahimAbdielAbdirahmanAbdonAbdouAbdulAbdulazizAbdulfattahAbdulkarimAbdullaAbdullahAbdulrahmanAbeerAbelAbelaAbelardAbellAbellaAbgailAbhiAbhinandanAbhishekAbhishekhushbuAbianAbidaAbieAbiegailAbielAbigaelAbigaiAbigailAbigail SatoAbigaileAbilioAbilityAbility to AdaptAbiolaAbirAbiraAbisAbishekAblachimAblazeAbnerAbouAbraAbrahamAbrahanAbramAbreeAbrhamAbrilAbsalomAbsalonAbsolute ZeroAbubakarAbundaAbundanceAbundance and ProsperityAbundance and WellnessAbundaneAbundantAbundant HappinessAbundant HealthAburaAbyssiniaAcalaAcapAccelerateAccept the Situation and Move OnAcceptanceAcceptance of FateAccomplishmentAccountantAccueilAce NekiAce WalkerAcedoAceroAces DojoAcevedaAcevedoAcherAchiAchieveAchieve Inner PeaceAchievementAchikoAchilleAchilleasAchillesAchrafAcintyaAcleActorActualizationAcupunctureAcupuncture and MoxibustionAcupuncturistAda MitchellAdabertoAdahAdairAdalAdalbertoAdalenaAdaluzAdamAdam JonesAdamaAdamantine King KongAdams

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.