Buy a Determination Chinese/Japanese Scroll

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  1. Determination

  2. Determination to Achieve

  3. Esprit de Corps / Determination

  4. Unswerving Determination / Firm and Persistent

  5. Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

  6. Unwavering Determination and Resolve

  7. Perseverance / Fortitude

  8. Patience / Perseverance

  9. Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant

10. Perseverance

11. Perseverance / Fortitude

12. Perseverance

13. Perseverance / Will-Power

14. Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude

15. Perseverance is the Key

16. Dedication

17. Devotion / Dedication / Attentive / Focused

18. Sacrifice / Devotion / Dedication

19. Bounce Back / Stage a Comeback

20. Commitment

21. Dependable

22. Diligence

23. Failure is the Origin of Success

24. Failure is the Mother of Success

25. Faith / Trusting in the Unseen

26. Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

27. Fortitude / Strength of Character

28. Gaman

29. Industrious / Hard Working

30. Heaven Blesses the Diligent

31. Indomitable / Unyielding

32. Indomitable Spirit

33. Never Give Up

34. Never Give In / Never Succumb / Never Lose

35. No Pain No Gain

36. Passion for a Cause

37. Enthusiasm / Passion for a Cause

38. Patience Yields Peace of Mind

39. Even an iron bar can be ground to a needle

40. Persistence

41. Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks

42. Phoenix Rise from the Ashes

43. There is no pleasure without pain

44. Pursue Your Dreams

45. Pursuit of Happiness

46. Resilience / Restoration / Recovery

47. Spare No Effort

48. Always Striving for Inner Strength

49. Strong bones come from hard knocks

50. Strong Hearted / Strong Willed

51. Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success

52. Tenacious / Tenacity

53. Unwavering

54. Overcome: Regardless of the Rain and Wind

55. Regardless of the Weather, We Overcome Troubles Together

56. To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible

57. Where there’s a will there’s a way

58. Stay Strong / Iron Will

59. Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom


 jué xīn
Determination Scroll

決心 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean word that holds the dictionary definition of determination but literally means determined heart.

The first character means to determine or determined.

The second character means heart, mind, or soul, so you can imagine that this form of determination partially means putting your heart into something. It can also be translated as resolve, resolution, or decision (as in a decision made and followed).

See Also:  Devotion | Tenacious | Passion | Dedication | Will-Power

Determination to Achieve

 ichi nen ho kki
Determination to Achieve Scroll

一念発起 is a Japanese proverb, “Ichinen Hokki,” which suggests being resolved to do something or having a wholehearted intention to accomplish something.

Some will translate this as “the determination to accomplish something,” or “turning over a new leaf and being determined to find success.”

Esprit de Corps / Determination

 shi ki / shi ge
Esprit de Corps / Determination Scroll

志気 is a Japanese word that can mean “esprit de corps” or “determination to achieve.”

When this is pronounced “Shige,” it can refer to a place in Japan. It can also be a Japanese surname, Shiki.

Unswerving Determination / Firm and Persistent

 jiān yì
Unswerving Determination / Firm and Persistent Scroll

堅毅 means unswerving determination or firm and persistent in Chinese.

This single Chinese word means “firm and persistent” and/or “unswerving determination.”

Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

 yì zhì
Determination to Achieve / Will-Power Scroll

意志 is a Chinese, Korean, and Japanese word that means “determination to achieve.” It can also be translated as: will; willpower; determination; volition; intention; or intent.

In Japanese, this can also be the given name, Ishi.

Unwavering Determination and Resolve

 jiān dìng jué xīn
Unwavering Determination and Resolve Scroll

This can be translated as unwavering determination, unwavering resolve, or strong determination.

堅定 means unwavering, firm, steady, staunch, and/or resolute.

決心 means determination, resolve, resolution, determined, firm and resolute, or to make up one's mind.

If you want a longer version, 堅定不移的決心 is also a popular phrase with a similar meaning. Contact me if you want that instead.

Perseverance / Fortitude

 jiǎn rěn
 ken nin
Perseverance / Fortitude Scroll

堅忍 means persistent, steadfast, fortitude, and/or perseverance.

The first character means strong, solid, firm, unyielding, or resolute.
The second character means to beat, endure, or tolerate.
Together they speak of the strength from within yourself. Some may also translate this as long-suffering in a more Biblical sense.

堅忍 is a common term in Chinese and Korean Hanja but a little less commonly used in modern Japanese Kanji. For that reason, this selection is best if your audience is Chinese or Korean.

忍忍 Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the second Kanji a little differently. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect the form where the little horizontal stroke crosses the vertical stroke. See differences in the images to the right. Technically, they are both the same character, and will be read the same in either language.

Patience / Perseverance

Patience / Perseverance Scroll

忍 contains the ideas of patience, equanimity, perseverance, forbearance, and endurance. Alone, this single character can be a bit ambiguous or flexible. It can also mean to endure, to bear, to put up with, or to conceal. If you want to simply decide what this character means to you within the general meaning but keep it a mystery to others, this is a good choice.

If you want to be more direct, you may want to choose one of our other selections that mean perseverance or patience (you will see this character within those larger words/phrases).

There is a secondary meaning in Japanese since this is the first character of the word ninja.

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write it in the form shown to the right. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect this Kanji form (yes, it's just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in the Japanese Kanji form).

See Also:  Perseverance | Patience | Tenacious

Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant

 rěn nài
 nin tai
Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant Scroll

忍耐 is patience, the quiet hope, and trust that things will turn out right.

You wait without complaining. You are tolerant and accepting of difficulties and mistakes. You picture the end in the beginning and persevere to meet your goals.

忍耐 can also mean “to endure,” “restrain oneself,” or “forbearance,” and in some contexts, it can mean “perseverance” or “endurance.”

忍耐 is also used as a tenet of Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, and other Korean martial arts where it's titled “Endurance” and romanized as “In Neh.”

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the first character in the form shown to the right. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect this Kanji form (yes, it’s just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in the Japanese Kanji form).

See Also:  Peace | Harmony | Perseverance


 jiān rèn bù bá
Perseverance Scroll

堅韌不拔 is about perseverance, being steadfast and persistent.

堅韌不拔 is a great phrase for you if you commit to your goals and overcome obstacles, no matter how long it takes.

The translation of this proverb literally means “something so persistent or steadfast, that it is not uprootable, movable, or surpassable.”

Other translations include being firm and indomitable or tenacious and unyielding.

See Also:  Tenacious | Devotion | Persistence | Indomitable

Perseverance / Fortitude

 jiān rèn
Perseverance / Fortitude Scroll

堅韌 is a short word meaning “fortitude,” “steadfast,” and “persistent.”


 see note
Perseverance Scroll

毅 is the simplest way to express perseverance in Chinese and Korean Hanja.
This single-character version leaves a bit of mystery about what kind of perseverance you might want to convey.

In Korean, this is usually associated with “strength of character.”

In Japanese, this character can be pronounced in a dozen different ways (so we have left out the Japanese pronunciation guide that normally appears above). In Japanese, this Kanji would usually be translated as “strong” (perhaps strong-willed).

See Also:  Tenacity | Fortitude | Strength | Undaunted

Perseverance / Will-Power

 yì lì
Perseverance / Will-Power Scroll

毅力 is a way to express “perseverance” with the idea of “willpower” in Chinese and old Korean Hanja. It can also mean “strong-willed.”

The first character means “strong” and “persistent,” while the second means “strength” and “power.”

Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude

 jiān rěn bù bá
Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude Scroll

堅忍不抜 means determined, steadfast, unswerving, or unshakable in Japanese.

This is the Japanese version of an old Chinese 4-character perseverance proverb.
This would be understood in Chinese, but it's not commonly written this way in Chinese.

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese calligraphers sometimes write the second Kanji in the form shown to the right. Yes, it’s just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in this alternate Japanese Kanji form. If you have a preference, let us know when you order.

Due to some odd computer coding conventions, these two character forms were combined/merged into the same code point - thus, you will not see Kanji images of more Japanese form as you select options for your scroll.

Perseverance is the Key

Skills cannot be perfected without perseverance in practice

 bú pà liàn bù chéng jiù pà xīn bù héng
Perseverance is the Key Scroll

不怕练不成就怕心不恒 literally translates as: Do not worry about not being able to master [a skill]; What [one should] be concerned about is lack of perseverance.

Figuratively, this means: One's skills cannot be perfected without perseverance in practice.

For me, I've learned that you can only get so much from school or studying. You've really got to do “on-the-job training” to perfect your ability and skill.

For martial arts students: You can read about a kick in a book, or someone can tell you about a certain kick but until you practice the kick, there's no way you'll master it.


Dedicated to One Thing

 zhuān yòng
Dedication Scroll

專用 is the dedication you might have to your job or a person.

Trivia: It is the same word used as an adjective in front of the word for “network” to say “dedicated network” in Chinese.

Please note: While this is a word in Korean, the meaning is private or “exclusive use.” So this is best if your audience is Chinese.

See Also:  Devotion | Passion | Tenacious | Commitment

Dedication Scroll

専念 is the Japanese word for dedication.

It means “give undivided attention” or “devote oneself to (something).”

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.

See Also:  Devotion | Passion | Tenacious | Commitment

Devotion / Dedication / Attentive / Focused

 zhuān xīn
 sen shin
Devotion / Dedication / Attentive / Focused Scroll

專心 makes a word that means “paying attention with your heart.”

It's often translated as “dedication,” as in “be absorbed in” or “concentrate one's efforts.” It's also used to mean “with the single mind,” “whole-heartedly,” “paying attention,” “undivided attention,” “concentration (-ed),” “engrossed,” “devotionally (listening/watching),” and/or “attentive.”

The first character means “for a particular person, occasion, or purpose,” “focused on one single thing,” “concentrated,” and sometimes, “special.”

The second character means “heart” or “mind” by itself.

My favorite translation, which comes from the Oxford Advanced Chinese/English Dictionary, is, “wholehearted devotion.”

If it seems like the meaning of this word is quite open, you are correct. The context in which the word is used matters a lot. It can mean different things depending on how you use it. This makes it kind of nice as you can decide what this means to you (within some limits). This is always positive in meaning, so even if a Chinese person reads it differently than you, it will still have a good meaning.

専In Japanese, they tend to use a variation of the second character which has one less stroke. If you want your calligraphy written this Japanese form, please click on the Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note: Japanese and Chinese people will recognize either form.

See Also:  Faith | Devotion

Sacrifice / Devotion / Dedication

(complete bodily devotion)

 xiàn shēn
 ken shin
Sacrifice / Devotion / Dedication Scroll

獻身 is used to describe being so devoted to something that you will make sacrifices for that goal/thing/person.

You can also translate this word as any of the following:

Give one's life for...
Sacrifice one's life for...
To dedicate oneself to...
Commit one's energy to...
Devote to...
Giving your whole body to...

This can be a dedication to or for someone but is often used as a dedication or making sacrifices for your country, public service, or a cause. For instance, an Olympic athlete makes great sacrifices to train in his/her sport for their country and compatriots.

While the form shown to the upper-left is considered an ancient Japanese version, in modern Japan, they use the simplified version of the first Kanji (shown to the right). Click on the Kanji at the right instead of the button above if you want this modern Japanese version.

If you are looking for a more religious meaning of devotion, see Faith.

See Also:  Confidence | Dedication

Bounce Back / Stage a Comeback

 dōng shān zài qǐ
Bounce Back / Stage a Comeback Scroll

東山再起 is a Chinese proverb that means “make a comeback” or “resuming after a failure.”

It's sometimes used in terms of losing a job and then getting it back. However, it applies to any kind of comeback after difficulty.

The literal meaning of this Chinese idiom is, “[The] Eastern Mountain Again [will] Rise.”

 chéng nuò
Commitment Scroll

承諾 embodies the idea of commitment but also means to make a big effort or to undertake a great task.

Commitment is caring deeply about something or someone. It is deciding carefully what you want to do and then giving it 100%, holding nothing back. You give your all to a friendship, a task, or something you believe in. You finish what you start. You keep your promises.

In Chinese, this word directly means to undertake something or to make a promise to do something.

Outside of the commitment idea, this particular word can also mean approval, acceptance, consent, assent, acquiescence, or agreement, depending on context (especially in Japanese and Korean). Therefore, this word is probably best if your audience is Chinese.

See Also:  Partnership | Hard Work | Dedication

 jiān yì kě kào
Dependable Scroll

The first two characters mean resolute with firm determination.
The second two characters mean reliable.

Together, this creates a 4-character expression that means dependable.

 qín miǎn
Diligence Scroll

勤勉 can be translated as diligence, industrious, assiduity, assiduous, diligent, or sedulity.

Diligence is working hard and doing your absolute best. You take special care by doing things step by step. Diligence helps you to get things done with excellence and enthusiasm. Diligence leads to success.

See Also:  Hard Work | Tenacity | Commitment | Passion for a Cause

Failure is the Origin of Success

 shippai wa seikou no moto
Failure is the Origin of Success Scroll

This Japanese proverb reads, “failure/mistake/blunder/defeat is the origin of success.”

It suggests that failures or defeats are a necessary part of success.

失敗は成功の元 is often translated as “Failure is a stepping stone to success.”

Note: There are a few similar variations of this idiom in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success

Failure is the Mother of Success

 shī bài shì chéng gōng zhī mǔ
Failure is the Mother of Success Scroll

失败是成功之母 is a Chinese and Korean proverb that means “Every failure that you experience is a chance to learn from it and find success.”

Knowing what does not work is just as important as finding out what does work.

See Also:  Experience is the Mother of Wisdom

Failure is the Mother of Success

 shippai wa seikou no haha
Failure is the Mother of Success Scroll

失敗は成功の母 is a Japanese proverb that means exactly what you think.

Every failure that you experience is a chance to learn from it and find success.

Knowing what does not work is just as important as finding out what does work.

Note: This is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Experience is the Mother of Wisdom

Faith / Trusting in the Unseen

 xìn niàn
Faith / Trusting in the Unseen Scroll

信念 expresses the idea of “having a belief” or “trusting in the unseen.”

信念 could also be translated as beliefs or convictions.

Note: Also considered to be one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

See Also:  Devotion | Dedication | Trust

Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

Always rising after a fall or repeated failures

 shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight Scroll

七転八起 is a Japanese proverb that relays the vicissitudes of life, with the meaning “seven times down eight times up.”

Some would more naturally translate it into English as “Always rising after a fall or repeated failures” or compare it to the English, “If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again.”

The first Kanji is literally “7.” The second means “fall down” (sometimes this Kanji means “turn around,” “revolve” or “turn over” but in this case, it holds the meaning of “fall”). The third is “8.” And the last is “get up,” “rouse,” or “rise.”

Basically, if you fail 7 times, you should recover from those events and be prepared to rise an 8th time. This also applies if it is the world or circumstances that knock you down seven times...
...just remember that you have the ability to bounce back from any kind of adversity.

Note: This can be pronounced in two ways. One is “shichi ten hakki” or “shichitenhakki.” The other is “nana korobi ya oki” also written, “nanakorobi-yaoki.”

Special Note: The second character is a Kanji that is not used in China. Therefore, please select a Japanese calligrapher for this title.

Fortitude / Strength of Character

 gāng yì
Fortitude / Strength of Character Scroll

剛毅 is a Japanese and Chinese word that means resolute and firm, fortitude, firmness of character, hardihood, manliness, or macho.

See Also:  Perseverance | Strength | Tenacity

 wǒ màn
 ga man
Gaman Scroll

Gaman is a Zen Buddhist term from Japan that means “enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity.”

This title can also be translated as patience, perseverance, tolerance, or self-denial.

我慢 is also a Chinese Buddhist term with a different pronunciation. It comes from Sanskrit abhimāna or ātma-mada. Chinese Buddhism defines this very differently as “Egoism exalting self and depreciating others,” “self-intoxication,” or “pride.” Alone, the first character means “Me, I, or Self,” and the second character in a Buddhist context comes from Sanskrit māna and means pride, arrogance, self-conceit, looking down on others, superciliousness, etc.

I’m currently working with Japanese and Chinese translators to try and reconcile the true meaning or any commonality of this word between languages. For now, please only consider this if your audience is Japanese.

Industrious / Hard Working

 ài gǎng jìng yè
Industrious / Hard Working Scroll

愛崗敬業 is used to refer to someone who puts forth maximum effort and achieves much.

We might call this kind of person a “go-getter” in English.

See Also:  Dedication | Tenacious | Devotion

Heaven Blesses the Diligent

 tiān dào chóu qín
Heaven Blesses the Diligent Scroll

天道酬勤 can be interpreted in a few different ways:
God blesses those who work hard.
It is the way of Heaven to smile on the diligent.
God will reward those that are worthy.
Heaven blesses those who are diligent.

Whichever translation you like, a scroll like this on your wall may serve as a reminder to work hard because your diligence will pay off both in this life and the next.

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used term.

Indomitable / Unyielding

 bù qū bù náo
 fu kutsu fu tou
Indomitable / Unyielding Scroll

不屈不撓 means “Indomitable” or “Unyielding.”

不屈不撓 is a long word by Chinese standards. At least, it is often translated as a single word into English. It's actually a proverb in Chinese.

If you want to break it down, you can see that the first and third characters are the same. Both mean “not” (they work as a suffix to make a negative or opposite meaning to whatever character follows).

The second character means “bendable.”

The last means “scratched” or “bothered.”

So this really means “Won't be bent, can't be bothered.” I have also seen it written as “Will not crouch, will not submit.” This comes from the fact that the second character can mean “to crouch” and the last can mean “to submit” (as in “to give in” such as “submitting to the rule of someone else”). This may explain better why these four characters mean “indomitable.”

Some will translate this as “indomitable spirit”; however, technically, there is no character to suggest the idea of “spirit” in this word.
Other translations include indefatigability, indomitableness, or unremitting tenacity.

The first two characters can be stand-alone words in Chinese.
In Japanese, this is considered two words (with very similar meanings). It's more common to see the word order flipped to 不撓不屈 in Japanese.
The same characters are used in old Korean Hanja. Just like in Japanese, the words are swapped to 不撓不屈 creating a word pronounced “불요불굴” in Korean.

See 不撓不屈

See Also:  Tenacity | Fortitude | Strength | Undaunted

Indomitable Spirit

 ma ke ji damashii
Indomitable Spirit Scroll

負けじ魂 is a Japanese proverb that means “indomitable spirit” or “unyielding spirit.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Never Give Up

 yǒng bù fàng qì
Never Give Up Scroll

The first character means “eternal” or “forever,” and the second means “not” (together, they mean “never”). The last two characters mean “give up” or “abandon.” Altogether, you can translate this proverb as “never give up” or “never abandon.”

Depending on how you want to read this, 永不放棄 is also a statement that you will never abandon your hopes, dreams, family, or friends.

See Also:  Undaunted | No Fear | Hope

Never Give In / Never Succumb / Never Lose

 kesshite akirameruna
Never Give In / Never Succumb / Never Lose Scroll

決して諦めるな is a Japanese term that informally means “never give up.”

It's also a Japanese way to say “never surrender.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Tenacity | Perseverance | Hope

No Pain No Gain

Literally: No Pain, No Strength

 bú tòng bù qiáng
No Pain No Gain Scroll

不痛不強 is a proverb that is close to our idea of “no pain, no gain” in English. It holds this meaning in the context of working out at the gym etc.

不痛不強 means “no pain, no strength,” meaning that if you don't experience a little pain, you will not gain any strength.

No Pain No Gain

 itami naku shite erumono wa nashi
No Pain No Gain Scroll

痛みなくして得るものなし is a Japanese phrase that means “no pain, no gain.”

This suggests that with pain, a gain must follow.

The pain Kanji here can also be translated as sorrow or suffering. The gain can also mean profit, advantage, or benefit. In the Japanese Buddhist context, that gain Kanji can mean rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana.

The character breakdown:
痛みなく (itami naku) pain; ache; sore; grief; distress. The naku part adds the meaning of “a lot of” or “extended”
して (shite) and then. (indicates a causative expression; acts as a connective particle)
得る (eru) to get; to acquire; to obtain; to procure; to earn; to win; to gain; to secure; to attain.
もの (mono) conjunctive particle indicating a cause or reason.
なし (nashi) none of; -less; without; no.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Passion for a Cause

 rè qíng
Passion for a Cause Scroll

Depending on the context, 熱情 can mean “cordial,” “enthusiastic,” “passionate,” or “passionately.”

This version is sometimes used in Japanese, but the character order is more common in Chinese and Korean Hanja. The meaning in Japanese for this Kanji order is ardor/ardour or zeal but rarely used in modern Japan. I suggest you choose a different version of “passion” if your audience is Japanese.

See Also:  Persistence | Devotion | Tenacity | Commitment | Motivation

Enthusiasm / Passion for a Cause

 qíng rè
 jou netsu
Enthusiasm / Passion for a Cause Scroll

情熱 is the Japanese word that means enthusiasm or “passion for a cause.”

In some contexts, this could mean being extremely fond of something or having a fondness for a cause or person.

Can also be translated as passion, zeal, ardor/ardour, or fervor.

Note: This word (or character order) is not natural in Chinese. However, a typical Chinese person can guess this is a Japanese or Korean word and understand the intended meaning. This selection is best if your audience is Japanese or old-school Korean.

See Also:  Persistence | Devotion | Tenacity | Commitment | Motivation

Patience Yields Peace of Mind

 néng rěn zì ān
Patience Yields Peace of Mind Scroll

This ancient Chinese proverb can be translated as “Patience brings peace of mind,” “One who has patience finds peace,” and a few other ways.

Even an iron bar can be ground to a needle

 mó chǔ chéng zhēn
Even an iron bar can be ground to a needle Scroll

磨杵成針 is a Chinese proverb that means “to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle,” or “Even a bar of iron can be ground down to a needle [with perseverance].”

Figuratively, this means to persevere in a difficult task or to study diligently.

 gù zhí
Persistence Scroll

固執 can also mean “opinionated” or “stubborn” in Chinese and Japanese, but in the nicest way possible (still bad).

This just means “stubborn” in Korean (not a good scroll if your audience is Korean, in fact, we don't recommend this word at all). There are better ways to express this idea, such as tenacity/tenacious or perseverance... ...see the links below...

See Also:  Tenacious | Fortitude | Perseverance

Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks

Persistence to overcome all challenges

 bǎi zhé bù náo
 hyaku setsu su tou
Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks Scroll

百折不撓 is a Chinese proverb that means “Be undaunted in the face of repeated setbacks.”

More directly translated, it reads, “[Overcome] a hundred setbacks, without flinching.” 百折不撓 is of Chinese origin but is commonly used in Japanese and somewhat in Korean (same characters, different pronunciation).

This proverb comes from a long, and occasionally tragic story of a man that lived sometime around 25-220 AD. His name was Qiao Xuan, and he never stooped to flattery but remained an upright person at all times. He fought to expose the corruption of higher-level government officials at great risk to himself.

Then when he was at a higher level in the Imperial Court, bandits were regularly capturing hostages and demanding ransoms. But when his own son was captured, he was so focused on his duty to the Emperor and the common good that he sent a platoon of soldiers to raid the bandits' hideout, and stop them once and for all even at the risk of his own son's life. While all of the bandits were arrested in the raid, they killed Qiao Xuan's son at first sight of the raiding soldiers.

Near the end of his career, a new Emperor came to power, and Qiao Xuan reported to him that one of his ministers was bullying the people and extorting money from them. The new Emperor refused to listen to Qiao Xuan and even promoted the corrupt Minister. Qiao Xuan was so disgusted that in protest, he resigned from his post as minister (something almost never done) and left for his home village.

His tombstone reads “Bai Zhe Bu Nao” which is now a proverb used in Chinese culture to describe a person of strong will who puts up stubborn resistance against great odds.

My Chinese-English dictionary defines these 4 characters as “keep on fighting despite all setbacks,” “be undaunted by repeated setbacks,” and “be indomitable.”

Our translator says it can mean “never give up” in modern Chinese.

Although the first two characters are translated correctly as “repeated setbacks,” the literal meaning is “100 setbacks” or “a rope that breaks 100 times.” The last two characters can mean “do not yield” or “do not give up.”
Most Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people will not take this absolutely literal meaning but will instead understand it as the title suggests above. If you want a single big word definition, it would be indefatigability, indomitableness, persistence, or unyielding.

See Also:  Tenacity | Fortitude | Strength | Perseverance | Persistence

Phoenix Rise from the Ashes

 fèng huáng niè pán
Phoenix Rise from the Ashes Scroll

鳳凰涅磐 is a proverb that suggests “Legendary Phoenix rises from the ashes.” It means “Legendary Phoenix [reaches] Nirvana.”

There is a legend in China of a great bird reborn once every 500 years. This bird gathers all the ill will, suffering, desire, and other negative things of the world. The bird then plunges into the fire to burn away all negative things, sacrificing itself in the process (achieving Nirvana, or perhaps allowing others the opportunity to reach Nirvana).

500 years later, the phoenix is reborn from the ashes again, and the cycle repeats.

There is no pleasure without pain

No pain, no gain

 ku wa raku no tane
There is no pleasure without pain Scroll

苦は楽の種 is a Japanese proverb that means “One cannot have pleasure without pain.”

It's one of a few Japanese ways to say, “No pain, no gain.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Pursue Your Dreams

 zhuī xún mèng xiǎng
Pursue Your Dreams Scroll

追尋夢想 means “pursue your dreams,” “follow your dreams,” or “chase your dreams” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean “to pursue,” “to track down,” or “to search for.”

The last two mean dreams. This version of dreams refers to those with an element of reality (not the dreams you have when you sleep but rather your aspirations or goals in life).

This title will tell everyone that you want to make your dreams come true.

See Also:  Pursuit of Happiness

Pursue Your Dreams

 yume wo oi tsudukeru
Pursue Your Dreams Scroll

夢を追い続ける is the Japanese way to express “pursue your dreams,” “follow your dreams,” or “chase your dreams.”

If you have dreams that you want to pursue and make true, this is the phrase for you.

The first character is “dream” or “dreams.” The rest of the characters establish the idea of chasing or pursuing.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

 zhuī xún xìng fú
Pursuit of Happiness Scroll

追尋幸福 is the best way to translate the English phrase “pursuit of happiness” into Chinese.

The first two characters mean “to pursue,” “to track down,” or “to search for.”

The last two mean happiness, happy, or being blessed.

See Also:  Follow Your Dreams

Resilience / Restoration / Recovery

 huī fù lì
Resilience / Restoration / Recovery Scroll

恢復力 suggests having the power to recover, restore, and rehabilitate. This can refer to yourself, someone else, or even to something, like rehabilitating a burned forest. 恢復力 is the essence of resilience in life.

The first two characters are a word that means to reinstate, resume, restore, recover, regain, or rehabilitate, restoration, rehabilitation, recovery, return, improvement, recovery (from an illness), recuperation, or convalescence.

The last character means strength or power.

See Also:  Tenacity | Perseverance

Spare No Effort

 bù yí yú lì
Spare No Effort Scroll

不遺餘力 is a Chinese proverb that can be translated in many ways. Here are some of them: go to any lengths; with all one's might; spare no pain; do one's utmost.

If you feel hard work and holding nothing back is your philosophy, this is the phrase for you.

Always Striving for Inner Strength

 zì qiáng bú xī
Always Striving for Inner Strength Scroll

自強不息 is a proverb or idiom that suggests that the pursuit of self-improvement is eternal. It can also be a suggestion to strive unremittingly in life.

The first two characters mean inner strength with the idea of self-improvement. The last two characters mean “never rest” or “striving without giving up.”

Some will translate these four characters as “Exert and strive hard without any let-up.”

Strong bones come from hard knocks

 bù kē bù pèng gǔ tóu bù yìng
Strong bones come from hard knocks Scroll

不磕不碰骨頭不硬 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Without being knocked around a bit, [one's] bones won't become hard.

Figuratively, this means: One can't become strong without first being tempered by “hard knocks.”

While true for everyone, this sounds like the “Iron Body” form of Kung Fu, where practitioners' bodies are beaten (and often bone fractured) in order to become stronger.
For the rest of us, this is just about how we can be tempered and build character through the hardships in our lives.

This is not a common title for a wall scroll in China.

Strong Hearted / Strong Willed

 yì zhì jiān qiáng
Strong Hearted / Strong Willed Scroll

意志堅強 can mean either “strong-hearted,” “strong-willed” or “determination.”

The first two characters can be translated as “will,” “willpower,” “determination,” “volition,” “intention,” or “intent.” But, it should be noted that this first part possesses the element of “heart” in the lower portion of both characters (they also partially carry the meaning “with the whole heart”).

The last two characters mean “strong” or “staunch.”

Chinese word order and grammar are a bit different than English, so in this case, they are in reverse order of English but have the correct meaning in a natural form.

See Also:  Strong Willed | Discipline | Will-Power

Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success

 sittpai wa seikou no moto
Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success Scroll

This Japanese proverb literally reads, “failures/mistakes/blunders are the yeast-starter/yeast-mash of success.”

Basically, it suggests that failures are a necessary part of success; Just as bread or beer requires yeast to successfully rise or brew/ferment.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Tenacious / Tenacity

 wán qiáng
 gan kyou
Tenacious / Tenacity Scroll

頑強 means “Tenacious,” “Hard to Defeat,” or “Dogged.”

Alone, the first character means mischievous, obstinate, or stubborn. But it loses some of the mischievous meaning when the second character is added.

The second character means strength, force, power, or better.

See Also:  Dedication | Devotion | Never Give Up

Unwavering Scroll

腹が据わる is a Japanese proverb that means to have guts or to be unwavering in one's resolution.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Overcome: Regardless of the Rain and Wind

 fēng yǔ wú zǔ
Overcome: Regardless of the Rain and Wind Scroll

風雨無阻 is a proverb that is often translated as “Go ahead as planned regardless of the weather” or, “[Overcome] despite the rain and wind.”

This is a Chinese proverb that suggests that you are willing (or should be willing) to overcome any adversity, and accomplish your task at hand.

There is a second/optional part to this phrase that suggests that you should do this together with someone (see our other 8-character version if you want the full phrase).

Regardless of the Weather, We Overcome Troubles Together

 fēng yǔ wú zǔ tóng zhōu gòng jì
Regardless of the Weather, We Overcome Troubles Together Scroll

The first four characters are often translated as “Go ahead as planned regardless of the weather” or, “[Overcome] despite the rain and wind.” The last four characters can mean “Stick together” but literally means “Take the same boat [together].”

風雨無阻同舟共濟 is a Chinese proverb that suggests that you are willing (or should be willing) to overcome any adversity, and accomplish your task at hand. The second part (last four characters) is sometimes left off but this second part strongly suggests that you should overcome that adversity together.

To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible

Where there is a will, there is a way

 yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng
To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible Scroll

有志者事竟成 is an old Chinese proverb that has been translated many different ways into English. As you read the translations below, keep in mind that in Chinese, heart=mind.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to doing it.
A willful man will have his way.
If you wish it, you will do it.
A determined heart can accomplish anything.
All things are possible with a strong mind.

Where there’s a will there’s a way

persevere and you will succeed

 yǒu zhì jìng chéng
Where there’s a will there’s a way Scroll

有志竟成 is a Chinese proverb that means “persevere and you will succeed.”

It's very much like the English idiom, “where there's a will, there's a way.”

Stay Strong / Iron Will

 tesshin sekichou
Stay Strong / Iron Will Scroll

鉄心石腸 is a Japanese proverb that suggests you should have the inner-strength and will as hard and steadfast as iron.

It's the Japanese way of saying, “stay strong.” This is an especially uplifting thing to say to a person in distress or recovering from a disaster. It's kind of the survivor's creed.

If you literally translate this, it means “iron will, stone guts” or “iron heart, rock-hard bowels.”

Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom

 chī yí qiàn, zhǎng yí zhì
Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom Scroll

吃一塹長一智 is a Chinese proverb that means “Fall into a moat, and you will gain wisdom from the experience.”

It really suggests that the failures, troubles, frustrations, and setbacks that you encounter in your life are actually helping you to find wisdom. Some would also translate this proverb as “Learn from your mistakes” or “Learn from your experience.”

If you are studying Chinese, you will recognize the first character as “eat,” but in this case, it means to “experience” (as used in this proverb, it is suggesting that you have fallen into a moat and/or had a hard time crossing it).
Translated character by character, this whole proverb is, “Experience one moat, gain one wisdom/knowledge.”

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used phrase.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
kesshin / keshinjué xīn / jue2 xin1 / jue xin / juexinchüeh hsin / chüehhsin
Determination to Achieve一念発起ichi nen ho kki
ichi nen ho ki
Esprit de Corps
志気shi ki / shi ge
shiki / shige
Unswerving Determination
Firm and Persistent
jiān yì / jian1 yi4 / jian yi / jianyichien i / chieni
Determination to Achieve
意志ishiyì zhì / yi4 zhi4 / yi zhi / yizhii chih / ichih
Unwavering Determination and Resolve堅定決心
jiān dìng jué xīn
jian1 ding4 jue2 xin1
jian ding jue xin
chien ting chüeh hsin
ken nin / kenninjiǎn rěn / jian3 ren3 / jian ren / jianrenchien jen / chienjen
ninrěn / ren3 / renjen
To Endure
忍耐nin tai / nintairěn nài / ren3 nai4 / ren nai / rennaijen nai / jennai
jiān rèn bù bá
jian1 ren4 bu4 ba2
jian ren bu ba
chien jen pu pa
jiān rèn / jian1 ren4 / jian ren / jianrenchien jen / chienjen
Perseverancesee note / seenote / se noteyì / yi4 / yii
毅力yì lì / yi4 li4 / yi li / yilii li / ili
Invincible Fortitude
堅忍不抜 / 堅忍不拔
kenninfubatsujiān rěn bù bá
jian1 ren3 bu4 ba2
jian ren bu ba
chien jen pu pa
Perseverance is the Key不怕練不成就怕心不恆
bú pà liàn bù chéng jiù pà xīn bù héng
bu2 pa4 lian4 bu4 cheng2 jiu4 pa4 xin1 bu4 heng2
bu pa lian bu cheng jiu pa xin bu heng
pu p`a lien pu ch`eng chiu p`a hsin pu heng
pu pa lien pu cheng chiu pa hsin pu heng
zhuān yòng
zhuan1 yong4
zhuan yong
chuan yung
專心 / 専心 / 耑心
sen shin / senshinzhuān xīn
zhuan1 xin1
zhuan xin
chuan hsin
ken shin / kenshinxiàn shēn
xian4 shen1
xian shen
hsien shen
Bounce Back
Stage a Comeback
dōng shān zài qǐ
dong1 shan1 zai4 qi3
dong shan zai qi
tung shan tsai ch`i
tung shan tsai chi
shoudaku / shodakuchéng nuò
cheng2 nuo4
cheng nuo
ch`eng no
cheng no
jiān yì kě kào
jian1 yi4 ke3 kao4
jian yi ke kao
chien i k`o k`ao
chien i ko kao
Diligence勤勉kinbenqín miǎn / qin2 mian3 / qin mian / qinmianch`in mien / chinmien / chin mien
Failure is the Origin of Success失敗は成功の元shippai wa seikou no moto
shipai wa seiko no moto
Failure is the Mother of Success失敗是成功之母
shī bài shì chéng gōng zhī mǔ
shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3
shi bai shi cheng gong zhi mu
shih pai shih ch`eng kung chih mu
shih pai shih cheng kung chih mu
Failure is the Mother of Success失敗は成功の母shippai wa seikou no haha
shipai wa seiko no haha
Trusting in the Unseen
信念shinnenxìn niàn / xin4 nian4 / xin nian / xinnianhsin nien / hsinnien
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight七転八起shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki
shichi ten haki / nana korobi ya oki
Strength of Character
gouki / gokigāng yì / gang1 yi4 / gang yi / gangyikang i / kangi
Gaman我慢ga man / gamanwǒ màn / wo3 man4 / wo man / woman
Hard Working
ài gǎng jìng yè
ai4 gang3 jing4 ye4
ai gang jing ye
ai kang ching yeh
Heaven Blesses the Diligent天道酬勤tiān dào chóu qín
tian1 dao4 chou2 qin2
tian dao chou qin
t`ien tao ch`ou ch`in
tien tao chou chin
fu kutsu fu tou
fu kutsu fu to
bù qū bù náo
bu4 qu1 bu4 nao2
bu qu bu nao
pu ch`ü pu nao
pu chü pu nao
Indomitable Spirit負けじ魂ma ke ji damashii
ma ke ji damashi
Never Give Up永不放棄
yǒng bù fàng qì
yong3 bu4 fang4 qi4
yong bu fang qi
yung pu fang ch`i
yung pu fang chi
Never Give In
Never Succumb
Never Lose
決して諦めるなkesshite akirameruna
keshite akirameruna
No Pain No Gain不痛不強
bú tòng bù qiáng
bu2 tong4 bu4 qiang2
bu tong bu qiang
pu t`ung pu ch`iang
pu tung pu chiang
No Pain No Gain痛みなくして得るものなしitami naku shite erumono wa nashi
Passion for a Cause熱情
netsujou / netsujorè qíng / re4 qing2 / re qing / reqingje ch`ing / jeching / je ching
Passion for a Cause
jou netsu / jounetsu / jo netsuqíng rè / qing2 re4 / qing re / qingrech`ing je / chingje / ching je
Patience Yields Peace of Mind能忍自安néng rěn zì ān
neng2 ren3 zi4 an1
neng ren zi an
neng jen tzu an
Even an iron bar can be ground to a needle磨杵成針
mó chǔ chéng zhēn
mo2 chu3 cheng2 zhen1
mo chu cheng zhen
mo ch`u ch`eng chen
mo chu cheng chen
koshuu / koshugù zhí / gu4 zhi2 / gu zhi / guzhiku chih / kuchih
Undaunted After Repeated Setbacks百折不撓
hyaku setsu su tou
hyaku setsu su to
bǎi zhé bù náo
bai3 zhe2 bu4 nao2
bai zhe bu nao
pai che pu nao
Phoenix Rise from the Ashes鳳凰涅磐
fèng huáng niè pán
feng4 huang2 nie4 pan2
feng huang nie pan
feng huang nieh p`an
feng huang nieh pan
There is no pleasure without pain苦は楽の種ku wa raku no tane
Pursue Your Dreams追尋夢想
zhuī xún mèng xiǎng
zhui1 xun2 meng4 xiang3
zhui xun meng xiang
chui hsün meng hsiang
Pursue Your Dreams夢を追い続けるyume wo oi tsudukeru
Pursuit of Happiness追尋幸福
zhuī xún xìng fú
zhui1 xun2 xing4 fu2
zhui xun xing fu
chui hsün hsing fu
huī fù lì
hui1 fu4 li4
hui fu li
Spare No Effort不遺餘力 / 不遺余力
bù yí yú lì
bu4 yi2 yu2 li4
bu yi yu li
pu i yü li
Always Striving for Inner Strength自強不息
zì qiáng bú xī
zi4 qiang2 bu2 xi1
zi qiang bu xi
tzu ch`iang pu hsi
tzu chiang pu hsi
Strong bones come from hard knocks不磕不碰骨頭不硬
bù kē bù pèng gǔ tóu bù yìng
bu4 ke1 bu4 peng4 gu3 tou2 bu4 ying4
bu ke bu peng gu tou bu ying
pu k`o pu p`eng ku t`ou pu ying
pu ko pu peng ku tou pu ying
Strong Hearted
Strong Willed
yì zhì jiān qiáng
yi4 zhi4 jian1 qiang2
yi zhi jian qiang
i chih chien ch`iang
i chih chien chiang
Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success失敗は成功のもとsittpai wa seikou no moto
sittpai wa seiko no moto
gan kyou / gankyou / gan kyowán qiáng
wan2 qiang2
wan qiang
wan ch`iang
wan chiang
Overcome: Regardless of the Rain and Wind風雨無阻
fēng yǔ wú zǔ
feng1 yu3 wu2 zu3
feng yu wu zu
feng yü wu tsu
Regardless of the Weather, We Overcome Troubles Together風雨無阻同舟共濟
fēng yǔ wú zǔ tóng zhōu gòng jì
feng1 yu3 wu2 zu3 tong2 zhou1 gong4 ji4
feng yu wu zu tong zhou gong ji
feng yü wu tsu t`ung chou kung chi
feng yü wu tsu tung chou kung chi
To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible有志者事竟成 / 有誌者事竟成
yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng
you3 zhi4 zhe3 shi4 jing4 cheng2
you zhi zhe shi jing cheng
yu chih che shih ching ch`eng
yu chih che shih ching cheng
Where there’s a will there’s a way有志竟成yǒu zhì jìng chéng
you3 zhi4 jing4 cheng2
you zhi jing cheng
yu chih ching ch`eng
yu chih ching cheng
Stay Strong
Iron Will
鉄心石腸tesshin sekichou
teshin sekicho
Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom吃一塹長一智
chī yí qiàn, zhǎng yí zhì
chi1 yi2 qian4 zhang3 yi2 zhi4
chi yi qian zhang yi zhi
ch`ih i ch`ien chang i chih
chih i chien chang i chih
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.